Saturday, July 23, 2016

Greatness, as defined by... what exactly?

The biggest lie that Americans tell themselves is that we are the "greatest" country in the world in that our culture is somehow more evolved than other cultures. That the bad things that are "inherent" in other cultures do not exist in ours. 

The biggest lie that Americans tell themselves is that we are the "greatest" country in the world in that our culture is somehow more evolved than other cultures. That the bad things that are "inherent" in other cultures do not exist in ours.

I am here to tell you that it all happens here. Every bad thing that we want to believe only happens in other places happens right here. Because it's people. It's all people, and we are all capable of terrible things.

The backlash of this post on my Facebook page was a barrage of "America really IS the greatest!," "If you don't like it, LEAVE!," "America has the most freedom!," "Where else could you go to be treated as well as you are here?!"

Which completely missed the intent of my statement, but absolutely proved my point.  So, I guess I should be grateful.

I am here to tell you that it all happens here. Every bad thing that we want to believe only happens in other places happens right here. Because it's people. It's all people, and we are all capable of terrible things.
All these votes for Trump suddenly made sense when I think about how many people I've heard say that if you don't like America exactly the way it is, then you should leave, or be forced to leave.

If I had a nickel... 

If you don't think there is a problem with the social system the way it is, that means it works for you. Congratulations! Want a cookie?

If you believe that, since it works for you, it must also work for every single other person in the country, then you are living in blissful ignorance. Congratulations! Want a cookie?

Oops. I'm fresh out of cookies.

Friday, July 22, 2016

If Trump gets elected president, do you know who I will blame? People who voted for Trump.
Why? Because I didn't vote for him in the Republican primary, but millions of people did. That matters. That says something.
I am tired of being told that I have to vote for the candidate that other people want, just to balance out the votes of millions of people who will vote for the one neither of us want. My vote is mine, and I'll do with it what I please. If I thought your candidate deserved my vote, then I would give it to them. It's pretty simple.

But we're repeatedly being told that we need to vote for the "lesser of two evils." That's what we keep doing, over and over, and it's led us to a system that works for no one.
What is the definition of insanity, folks? We're in it right now.